콜나고 자전거를 구매하셨다면 바로 등록해주세요. 그러면 콜나고 3년 보증(법정 2년에 1년 추가)을 포함한 수많은 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다.
모델에 NFC 기술(예: C68 및 V4Rs)이 장착된 모델인 경우 콜나고 블록체인에 등록할 수도 있습니다. 연장된 보증 외에도 자전거의 진위성과 소유권에 대한 디지털 인증을 받게 되며, 관련된 법적, 경제적 이점도 제공됩니다.
콜나고 3년 보증
콜나고는 모든 제품에 대해 유럽법에 따라 2년 법적 보증과 페인트 작업에 대한 1년 보증을 제공합니다.
당사 웹사이트[링크]에 자전거를 등록하면 콜나고 보증도 받게 됩니다. 자전거는 유럽법에 따라 요구되는 2년 대신 구매일로부터 3년 동안 보호됩니다.
이 링크에서 콜나고 보증의 법적 세부 정보와 적용되는 조건을 읽을 수 있습니다.
콜나고 블록체인 | 디지털 소유권 증명서
콜나고 앱을 통해 블록체인에 자전거 소유권을 등록하면 콜나고의 디지털 소유권 증명서를 받게 됩니다.
즉, 언제든지 해당 자전거의 실제 소유자임을 증명할 수 있습니다. 프레임에 부착된 NFC 태그 덕분에 이 정보를 자전거에서 직접 읽을 수 있습니다. 이로 인해 도난 자전거 시장이 크게 제한되고, 콜나고 2차 판매가 불편해져 사실상 도난을 억제하게 됩니다.
NFC-블록체인 기술이 없는 자전거
다음 모델 중 하나를 구매한 경우에 적용됩니다: V3, G3-X, V3Rs, TT1, Master, Arabesque 또는 기타 2021년 이전 모델.
3년 법적 보증을 받으려면 이 페이지를 클릭하고 구매 및 자전거 데이터가 있는 양식에 기입하세요.
콜나고 보증을 받으려면 구매 후 30일 이내에 자전거를 등록해야 합니다. 업로드 요청을 받는 송장 또는 구매 영수증의 날짜가 중요합니다.
콜나고 NFC 블록체인 기술이 있는 자전거
2021년 3월 이후에 생산된 C68 또는 V4Rs 또는 한정판 자전거를 구매한 경우 자전거에 NFC 태그가 장착되어 있습니다.
NFC 태그는 물통 바로 아래 다운 튜브 사이에 붙은 특수 스크린 인쇄 스티커입니다. 자전거를 등록하고 콜나고 보증을 연장하려면 휴대폰에 콜나고 앱[iPhone 또는 Android용]을 다운로드한 다음 단계별 지침을 따르세요.
1.If you own a V4Rs or a C68, you can register the ownership of your bike on the Colnago blockchain. This way, you get the Colnago 3-year warranty and the benefits of digital certification of your bike's ownership and authenticity.
2. First, you will need to download the Colnago app from the App Store if you have an Apple phone, or from Google Play if you have an Android phone. Use the same credentials as your account to log in, or create a new account.
3. Once inside the app you will be asked to enter your personal data and scan one of your documents. Colnago does not save this information. They are only used to certify that you are a real person.
4. The next step is to create a 'blockchain wallet': with this step you create a virtual container, associated with your account, in which your Colnago bikes will be stored, once registration is complete.
At this stage you will be asked to save a password for the wallet and a code consisting of a series of 12 words will be generated. It is important to save and preserve them.
You will be asked for a password to finalise blockchain operations. The 12-word code, on the other hand, will serve you when you need to move your blockchain wallet to other devices - such as when you change your mobile phone.
5. Finally you are ready to register: you need to have your Colnago card and your bike with you. If you haven't already done so, first activate the Colnago Card you received with your bike by clicking on your profile and then on 'Manage Colnago Card'. Scan it by slowly swiping the card along the back of your mobile phone. It is important to check where the NFC antenna is located on your model and to verify that the NFC scan function is active
In the case of the iPhone 13, the NFC antenna is located at the top of the phone.
6. Once you have registered your Colnago Card for your bike, click on the '+' button on the main screen, select 'Register your bike' and follow the instructions. First, scan the Colnago Card, passing it slowly along your mobile phone where the NFC antenna is positioned. Then scan the NFC tag on the bike. The NFC tag is the screen-printed sticker on the down tube between the bottle cage and the bottom bracket. At this point the bike is registered!
Again, it is important to pass the phone slowly over the Colnago blockchain sticker on the down tube.
The Colnago V4 is not one of the bikes equipped with NFC - Blockchain technology.
To get the Colnago 3-Year Warranty, register your purchase on the form on this page .
You will need to enter your frame number and proof of purchase. It is important that you write your serial number correctly.
How to find the serial number on a Colnago V4?
If your bike was produced after 2022, you must locate the QR code located under the bottom bracket. By scanning it, a text with letters, numbers and dashes will appear. Copy it exactly into the serial number field.
The serial number is also shown in full above and below the QR code. If you are not able to scan the code, enter the part above and the part below the QR code in the registration procedure exactly as they are written, including dashes.
For bicycles produced before 2022, you will find the serial number written in full under the bottom bracket. Copy it exactly as it is written.
The Colnago G4-X is not one of the bikes equipped with NFC - Blockchain technology.
To be eligible for the Colnago 3-Year Warranty, register your purchase on the form on this page .
You will need to enter your frame number and proof of purchase. It is important that you write your serial number correctly.
How to find the serial number on a Colnago G4-X?
If your bike was produced after 2022, you must locate the QR code located under the bottom bracket. By scanning it, a text with letters, numbers and dashes will appear. Copy it exactly into the serial number field.
The serial number is also shown in full above and below the QR code. If you are not able to scan the code, enter the part above and the part below the QR code in the registration procedure exactly as they are written, including dashes.
For bicycles produced before 2022, you will find the serial number written in full under the bottom bracket. Copy it exactly as it is written and register within 30 days of purchase.
The Colnago Master and Colnago Arabesque are not among the bikes equipped with NFC - Blockchain technology.
To be eligible for the Colnago 3-Year Warranty, register your purchase on the form on this page .
You will need to enter your frame number and proof of purchase. It is important that you write your serial number correctly and that you register within 30 days of purchase.
How to find the serial number on a Master
The serial number of steel frames is usually located at the rear rear derailleur hanger. It is engraved in the steel. The serial number consists of numbers and letters, without spaces or dashes.
To be able to read it, remove the rear wheel.
All Colnago bikes produced before 2021 that are not a C68, V4Rs, or limited series, are not among the bikes equipped with NFC - Blockchain technology.
To be eligible for the Colnago 3-Year Warranty on one of these bikes, register your purchase on the form on this page .
You will need to enter your frame number and proof of purchase. It is important that you write your serial number correctly and that you register within 30 days of purchase.
How to find the serial number on a Colnago bike?
The serial numbers are usually located under the bottom bracket shell, or by the two rivets on the down tube, under the bottle cage.
In the case of the C64, the serial number is written on a riveted metal plate located under the bottle cage.